Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If you can't paint them, paint with them

News of the weird from a country I once knew, or thought I knew:

(06-18) 04:31 PDT BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) --
An episode of "Thailand's Got Talent" has stirred a morality debate after a contestant painted a canvas using her bare breasts, drawing a rebuke from the culture minister who called it "very shocking."

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2012/06/17/international/i232829D44.DTL#ixzz1yE28ZreR

On an unrelated note, I've been cataloging drawerings from the last year-ish, and there should be some up here soon. Until then, here are a couple I did on a camping trip last weekend. No Thai technique used.

Krish on guitar

Amir on Kindle